i2 Blog

Be the change you'd like to see

Posted by Mike Clarke on

Our community can suck. From ignorant opinions to blatant rude comments, from back-handed deceit to putting people down for your own gain, negativity always manages to rear its ugly face no matter how hard we work at it. There are people out there that have put hundreds of hours of work, not to mention thousands of hard-earned dollars, into their vehicles. All to be met with “ What an ugly colour” or “Those wheels are too wide”. How does that make you feel when someone says it about your ride? What is the benefit to poclaiming your negativity to the...

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Just get started!

Posted by Mike Clarke on

Everyone experiences this issue at least once but for your own sake, just get started! The hardest step is usually the first one. Whether it be a racing career, a car/truck build, even riding  your first dirt bike or sled, just take that initial leap out of your comfort zone. I promise you won’t regret it. Where do you think our world would be today if pioneers like Henry Ford didn’t have the gumption to leave the Detroit Edison Company and start his own business? What if the Dodge Brothers got cold feet when distancing themselves from the aforementioned Ford?...

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Where do we go from here?

Posted by Mike Clarke on

The ongoing question that I’ve asked myself hundreds of times, where do we go from here? What do I want to see from Injected Industry? What path will we take? I think we’ve finally got a rough path that we’d like to follow to get to the end goal. Earlier this year, I laid the groundwork to start a foundation that parallels with i2, with the initial goal of raising funds to award a grant to a student working towards their automotive service technician certification. In a perfect world, I’d love for the grant to go to someone just starting...

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Subjective Creativity

Posted by Mike Clarke on

Subjective Creativity; It’s been a while, I haven’t been making the time to write like I should be and I’ve been missing it. Life gets busy but making the time for what makes your heart happy is so important. There’s a lot in store for us coming soon, and I can’t wait to truly start this wild ride. But until then, I really want to talk about subjective creativity and why it’s one of my favorite facets of the Automotive/Powersport culture. Growing up I came from a VERY Ford-biased household. My Dads classic cars have all been Ford with the...

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Sanjee- the destined 7.3

Posted by Mike Clarke on

The last two weeks have just flown by, haven’t they? I kept waiting for a good story to happen in front of me, one that’s worth telling, but alas I came up empty-handed. That’s okay, we still have so much to discuss including our 7.3 project, affectionately nicknamed Sanjee, and of course the Project Pete. Let’s start with Sanjee, what a beautiful unit. Last week we got her running, aided by two new batteries. Sanjee runs alright but she’s no thoroughbred, yet. It was cold, and she stumbles a bit until everything warms up, but Sanjee runs nonetheless. This week...

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