Just get started!

Posted by Mike Clarke on

Everyone experiences this issue at least once but for your own sake, just get started! The hardest step is usually the first one. Whether it be a racing career, a car/truck build, even riding  your first dirt bike or sled, just take that initial leap out of your comfort zone. I promise you won’t regret it. Where do you think our world would be today if pioneers like Henry Ford didn’t have the gumption to leave the Detroit Edison Company and start his own business? What if the Dodge Brothers got cold feet when distancing themselves from the aforementioned Ford? I’m not saying your car build will have the magnitude or the impact that these gentlemen did, but you won’t know if you don’t start!

I’m guilty of this on hundreds of different occasions. Just as an example, look at Injected Industry! I’ve had it for four years now with no real, tangible success and I attribute that to being afraid to even start or put myself out there. It’s crazy to let your passion be bottled up for so long, all because of the fear of the unknown. If only I had known then what I know now.

Let’s take a car build, for example. It can be extremely daunting to look it over and realize that you want a multitude of upgrades. Brakes, suspension, steering, body & paint, interior work, and of course, more power! The only way to accomplish these goals would be to get in and get started. If you don’t know how or are looking for help, well soon you’re going to be in luck, that is one of the needs that I want to address in the i2 app. Until then, there are many other avenues you can explore to reach out and get the help and guidance you need. If there’s one thing I’ve found in my 20+ years in the automotive community, it’s that people do like to share their knowledge and experience, and I think that is one of the most beautiful aspects of our community. 

 As I’ve grown older, I realize that doing the actual work is only half of the struggle, the other half is staying diligent and saving money to purchase these parts and upgrades. Believe me, I battle this daily. If I didn’t eat out today that would put me $20 closer to a new turbo, or custom tunes, or one of the 500 other parts I want. I may be the worst person to be telling others about diligence and staying disciplined, but that just means I can relate and sympathize with you, since I am not better myself.

But those stories will be for another day!

‘Till next time,


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